The Mystics: Sacred Encounters
Desire to connect with God or the Divine Source is as close to us in our human experience as the perpetual need to satiate our hunger and thirst. Those whom we recognize as mystics are more than familiar with this desire, many of whom have taught and written about the sacred pursuit of God in everyday living.
Please join us as we sojourn with a diversity of mystics from both ancient and modern times. In each session, we will explore their individual biographies, spiritual influences, and the unique way each mystic approached embracing the Divine in everyday life. Focus on selected passages from their writings will foster dialogue on the virtues each mystic encourages, including maintaining a sense of hope, transformation through suffering, and compassion. Grounding our encounter with these mystics in our respective stories, we will respond to writing prompts to access our personal voices and deepen our living with intention. There will be opportunities for reflection through prayer, meditation and creative exercises. Please note that prior familiarity with these individuals or their works is not required.
Bring along an open heart and mind and a journal to capture your stirrings.
Mystical Concepts
Available Programs:
Dark Night of the Soul for Mystics
Mysticism in Art
Native American Spirituality & Mysticism