Individual and group spiritual companioning and direction opportunities are available. Contact Gordon Creamer at the Mission Bridge for details.
Spiritual Companioning and Direction means many true things to many different people. As I understand it and practice it with others, spiritual direction is the graced opportunity through which the Divine companions with us and generously offers healing, wisdom and hope. These gifts abound within the context of a helping relationship, and there are diverse, holistic benefits that spiritual companioning/direction provides, including:
• A safe, sacred space to be and further become one's authentic self through the unpacking of one's experiences
• The opportunity to respond to God's invitation for healing, growth and love
• Exploration of various modes/types of prayer, spiritual practices and rituals
• Naming and validating experiences as a spiritual being on a human journey, especially the joys, losses and epiphanies that continually transpire in our everyday living.
• Spiritual companionship with a loving, affirming Divine Presence through deepened awareness.

Each spiritual companioning/direction session lasts for approximately an hour, however, respect is given to each directee with regard to whether more time is needed or requested during a particular session. As the direction/companioning relationship is being established, more frequent sessions may occur between the director and directee. Sessions lessen to a monthly frequency thereafter, but can also increase again at any time if the need arises. Fees for spiritual companioning/direction are negotiable and based on the directee's available resources.
"If you attempt to act and do for others or for the world without deepening your own self-understanding, freedom, integrity and capacity to love, you will not have anything to give others." (Thomas Merton)